Focus on a productive indoor climate in the Swedish prestige building Platinan

The requirements for an energy-efficient and productive indoor climate are high in Platinan, a new landmark building in Gothenburg. The proptech company Keylogic, a part of Systeminstallation, has chosen Regin as a system provider for the room control technology in Vasakronan’s new building. Flexible systems and close collaboration became important factors in the success of the project.

With 60,000 square meters spread across 18 floors, Platinan is one of Gothenburg’s largest construction projects. The building houses offices, restaurants, shops, and hotels. For the project, an individually adapted solution was developed to meet the complex needs of the property.

In all the 450 hotel rooms, we have installed a specially adapted solution with the two-zone controller Regio Ardo, which has been an effective solution both economically and functionally. In the office part, we wanted to avoid installing control equipment at the tenants and therefore chose to place the functionality centrally and communicate via Modbus to the room units. The indoor climate will thus be easy to control locally, while the functionality is installed centrally, says Jan Gustafsson, project manager at Keylogic.

The project was implemented in 2020 and since April there is full activity in the building. At present, work continues with fine-tuning the system to achieve maximum comfort.

In such an extensive building, all tenants have different needs. Now that the property has been in operation for several months, we are beginning to formulate some conclusions about how the complex and unique building is functioning. The focus going forward is to continue working with tenant adaptations and create an indoor climate dimensioned for each individual tenant, with consideration taken to ventilation, temperature, outdoor climate, and time of day, Jan concludes.

Short facts

Type of solution: Two zone controllers, room controllers, sensors, damper actuators, transmitters

About SI

SI is a system integration company that develops software, systems, and products for energy efficiency and building automation. The company has a wide range of energy and operational services where energy experts optimize solutions. SI also offers services for maintenance, property management, and service.

The company was founded over 25 years ago and has grown from four employees to over 300, operating in several locations in Sweden. Sustainable collaboration has been one of the company’s keywords from the start, and they work closely with customers, partners, and suppliers to achieve common goals.