Smart heating control systems reduce energy consumption in the Swedish municipality

Lower costs, easy handling, and an increased service level. These were the results when the Swedish energy supplier Tranås Energy was commissioned to replace outdated district heating substations at Tranås municipality’s industrial- and apartment buildings.

In many Swedish municipalities, district heating is supplied to buildings through underground pipes that, in turn, are connected to individual heating substations. These typically include two heat exchangers, one of which is for hot water and the other one for heating.

In the municipality of Tranås, district heating is supplied to approximately 70% of the households, as well as several businesses, schools, and other premises. In total, Tranås Energy distributes heating to approximately 1,300 customers. By replacing older district heating substations and instead installing the heating controller Exigo, it has been possible to achieve energy savings of at least 10% for each replaced central in the municipality.

When the project was implemented, most of the district heating central substations had not been replaced since the 1970s. We were therefore looking for a configurable system solution that could simplify the exchange of older outdated control equipment. Moreover, we wanted a solution that could be connected digitally to a cloud service. With a scalable and standardized solution, it will now be easier for us to expand our investment and ensure that more properties in Tranås municipality can implement sustainable heat regulation control, says Magnus Adolfsson, Energy Technician at Tranås Energy AB.

The reason why Tranås Energy chose to work with Regin was mainly the need for a partner who could offer a high level of support and who could provide a standardized and scalable solution.

For us, it is important to be able to offer a comprehensive service agreement to our customers. That our suppliers share our vision is therefore crucial for the service to be maintained at several levels. It must be possible to get in direct contact with our suppliers, both in facility-specific matters and for overall advice. From the start, we have received a personal reply from Regin’s support, which has a high level of availability regardless of the case, Magnus concludes.

Short facts

Type of solution: Pre-configured heating controllers.
Energy savings: 10% for each replaced central.