IKEA Augsburg saves heating costs with the battery-free thermostat TEO

IKEA has been the world’s largest furniture retailer since 2008. The group is known for its affordable, ready-to-assemble furniture and home accessories. One of the pioneering stores is the outlet in Augsburg, which has improved its indoor climate and saved energy using the LoRaWAN solution from DEOS.

As in many retail stores, the offices at IKEA Augsburg were heated continuously after hours, on weekends, and during home office days. Due to the temperatures being constantly too high, the desired amount of heat often did not reach the offices at the rear end of the heating circuit.

To improve the indoor climate and save energy, IKEA Augsburg sought a solution that could be implemented quickly. Heating management needed to be more demand-driven to save costs. After evaluating different options, the DEOS TEO wireless radiator thermostat and the LoRaWAN solution from DEOS emerged as the best choice.

“We were as impressed by the simple installation of the TEO as we were by the built-in thermoelectric generator. With the wireless thermostats, there is no need to replace batteries every six months, making operation more economical”, says Thomas Rodak, Unit Facility Management at IKEA Augsburg.

IKEA Facility Management effortlessly handled the replacement of the first 50 thermostats in-house during this project phase. From now on, the solution will provide energy-efficient, demand-driven heating day and night, according to a uniquely defined time schedule. The automatic night setback will also take effect after work hours and on weekends.


LoRaWAN gateway

Short facts

Type of solution: 50 DEOS TEO Battery-free LoRaWAN wireless thermostats, 2 LoRaWAN Gateways, DEOS building management system OPENweb