New larger SSU Energy meter
We are now adding the DN40-meter with Qp10, a larger size of energy meter in the compact energy meter range, SSU.
Valve series available in MagiCloud
We have recently introduced the GF, BTV, ETVS, ETRS, NTVS, FRS, MTRS, BF, ZMD, ZTV/ZTR and ZTVB/ZTRB range of valves into the MagiCloud BIM library.
Green is the color of the future
We want to contribute to a sustainable future, and that is why we are getting ready to unveil some green news heading your way!
Butterfly valves – a brand new part of our product range
We strive to offer you everything you need for water flow control. That is why we are now introducing a brand-new range of butterfly valves for controlling, limiting and shutting down large flows in buildings.
Regin enters the MagiCloud BIM library
The first quarter of 2019 a wide range of Regin products will be available in the MagiCloud BIM library. Some of our products are already to be found in the database.
Hver gang er en succes!
Vi har gennem den sidste tid snakket med nogle af vores kunder. Det er der kommet 2 små historier ud af. Læs den anden historie med Alexander Messerschmidt, Partner hos Villingshøj & Messerschmidt Klimateknik. Han fortæller, om samarbejdet mellem sit ventilationsfirma og Ventipart, og hvorfor han bruger Ventipart.
The ventilation solution that saved an entire school
The ventilation and air quality in the Korsavad School in Simrishamn, Sweden was so poor that the school was threatened with closing. Located in Tomelilla, the company Lindsténs Elektriska was tasked with saving the situation, restoring all systems to normal operation as quickly as possible. By using a simple solution, they succeeded in their mission and were recently awarded “The Ready-Steady-Go installation of the Year” in the 2018 Regin Energy Saver Awards.
"Jeg kan altid ringe og få rådgivning"
Vi har gennem den sidste tid snakket med nogle af vores kunder. Det er der kommet 2 små historier ud af. Læs den første med John Alberg, som er Maskinmester & CTS Udvikler hos Dansk Varmestyring. Han fortæller om, hvorfor han bruger Ventipart som leverandør af automatikkomponenter.
Awards will contribute to sustainable forestry in the Amazon
Aside from overall glory, the winners of the 2018 Regin Energy Saver Awards will also receive climate compensation as their award. Regin will invest funds under the winners’ names into a project in the Amazon. This project is carried out in Brazil by Tricorona, who also carries out other similar projects. Funds paid as climate compensation are used towards accelerating the development of renewable energy in developing countries.
CLOUDigo facilitates building management and pays off quickly
At the Swedish exhibition Nordbygg, we showcased our smart concept for complete ventilation control. Regins controller Corrigo is commonly used for control of ventilation systems in small and medium-sized buildings but may also be a part of a more complex system, through standardized communication protocols such as BACnet. Corrigo is one of the most configurable and flexible controllers on the market.